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Harvest Moon Studios

Harvest Moon Studios, a subsidiary of Blue Tree Records, specializes in helping artists reach their full potential and achieve artistic and commercial success. We work closely with our artists — from conception to completion — and pay special attention to the subtle details that are the difference between mediocrity and mastery. Our services include original music programming, recording, mixing and mastering.


For more information about Harvest Moon Studios follow the link below.


The highest quality recording technology available to make sure your voice and sound are clear, crisp, and clean.


The initial recording is just the first step to making a professional album. Hours must be spent equalizing the sound so each track sounds incredible.


We boast a spacious control room, live room, ISO booth and third room for  isolating guitar amps for full band tracking. We can also do live room tracking for drums.


Our artist deserve nothing but the best. We offer Pro Tools' latest versions and song and beats production customized for each artists along with an extensive sound Library for music programming

Comfortable & Professional

Harvest Moon Studios is located in downtown Martinez, CA among shops and restaurants. It is one block from Amtrak and 15 minutes from Bart. We have a kitchen, lounge, office work area, and central air for those hot days!

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